Its presence began to depreciate from the moment it arrived. For a brief period, it was admired. It was a piece that was likeable and caught the eye of every person when they entered the room. Each installment of its saga; every scratch, dent, tear and stain made it noticeably less valuable. Its wear from being used to service our needs day-to-day made it unstable and less reliable. Its persona and pride faded into the background and was not spoken of again. But I remember when it arrived.
Many pieces of the furniture from my childhood home, and the home I created with my husband and our children are still in my life today. The memories they hold, from the people who cherished their spot on their chair and the reminder of a different time in our lives, made me recognize the value in utilizing furniture as a canvas and a faucet to express my passion for art.
These handmade and hand-painted furniture pieces are the result of my twenty years’ experience in painting, interior design and my academic studies when I obtained my Masters Degree in Graphic Design. I reanimate memories and evoke emotion using my ability to design new furniture, and redesign and refinish old furniture.
" Asiyeh "
Let us redesign and refinish your old furniture to Make Your Living Space Unique